Discovering Bhutan’s Hidden Gems: A Guide to Offbeat Travel

Embark on a journey to the mystical land of Bhutan, where nature and spirituality come together in perfect harmony. While most travelers focus on popular tourist destinations, there are countless hidden gems waiting to be explored by the intrepid adventurer. Imagine discovering ancient monasteries nestled amidst towering mountains, pristine forests teeming with exotic wildlife, and quaint villages frozen in time. In this guide to offbeat travel in Bhutan, we’ll take you off the beaten path and reveal some of the country’s best-kept secrets. Get ready for an unforgettable adventure that will leave you with memories to last a lifetime!

What is Bhutan?

Bhutan is a landlocked country in the eastern Himalayas that has been largely untouched by modernity. It remains one of the most remote and least-visited countries in the world, with a population of only about 750,000 people. What makes Bhutan so special is its unspoiled natural environment, including stunning mountain ranges and valleys, pristine rivers and lakes, and inaccessible monasteries and temples.

The country is also home to some of the world’s rarest animals and plants, as well as some of the world’s highest peaks. The highlight of any trip to Bhutan is undoubtedly its stunningly rugged landscape, which can be explored on foot or by horseback. There are also numerous trails suitable for cycling or trekking. Some highlights of Bhutanese attractions include Thimphu City, Paro Valley National Park, Jiling Monastery and Wangdue Phodrang National Park.

Why book a trip to Bhutan?

Bhutan is a landlocked country in Asia that has remained isolated from the rest of the world for centuries. The country is said to have more than 300 subtropical high altitude lakes, and stunning landscape made up of barren peaks and lush valleys. Bhutan has been declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site for its unique culture and architecture.

Besides its natural beauty, Bhutan is known for its philosophy of gross national happiness which focuses on well-being of all people, not just the elites. As a result, tourists will find nearly everything they need here without having to go shopping or pay high prices. There are plenty of activities to keep visitors occupied such as hiking, biking, flying kites, horseback riding, rafting and more.

How to get to Bhutan

Bhutan, a landlocked country in South Asia, is only about the size of Delaware and has a population of about 800,000. It’s known for its pristine wilderness, Buddhist culture and world-renowned Buddhist monasteries. The country is also home to an astonishing array of wildlife including elephants, bears and snow leopards.

Getting to Bhutan is easy. There are three airports in the country – Paro airport in Paro Valley, Thimphu airport on the outskirts of Thimphu and Kuenselgam Pass in Wangdue Phodrang district – from where flights go to India and other countries in Southeast Asia. It’s possible to get visas on arrival at all three airports although some nationals need a visa before departure (eg Chinese).

Travellers can journey into the heart of Bhutan through one of two main highways: the Friendship Highway that runs along the Indian border and Lada National Road which meanders across the eastern plains before entering India near Phuntsholing. Travellers can also explore Bhutan by mountain biking or on foot through forests and ancient villages.

The Top 10 Places to Visit in Bhutan

1. Chorten National Park

2. Wangdue Phodrang Monastery

3. Druk Padmasambhava Temple

4. Kichu Lhakhang Monastery

5. Paro Feluka Ancient Market Town

6. Jigme Dorji Llasa Statues at Tashichho Dzong

7. Drukponying Gompa Temple

8. Tashi Delek Monastery and Residence of the Dalai Lama

9. Samye Ling Monastery and Tibetan Cultural Village

10. Taktshang Goemba

What to Take on your Trip to Bhutan

If you’re looking for a place that’s off the beaten path, Bhutan is definitely the destination for you. This tiny country is home to stunning mountains, flowing rivers, and pristine jungles – all of which make it an incredibly beautiful place to explore. However, in order to see as much of Bhutan as possible while still enjoying its unique charms, there are a few key things you’ll need on your trip.

Here are five essentials you’ll want to pack:

1. A good map of Bhutan: One of the best ways to navigate around this fascinating country is with a proper map. Not only will this help keep you safe if something goes wrong, but it will also give you an overview of where all the important attractions are located.

2. Climbing gear: If Mount Everest is your thing (or if you simply want to test your mettle), don’t forget your climbing gear! Bhutan boasts some mighty mountains, and even modest elevation changes can make for grueling hikes (and lots of amazing views in the process).

3. Flashlights and extra batteries: Just like in any other part of the world, it’s always advisable to bring along a flashlight in case of emergencies or unexpected darkness – especially if you’re visiting areas outside of major cities or tourist destinations. And remember to always carry extra batteries so that you can keep your devices going longer when needed!

4. Sunscreen and insect repellent: Summertime in Bhutan can get darn hot, so make sure you pack plenty of sunscreen and insect repellent to ward off the unpleasant effects of the sun (and pesky bugs).

5. Cash: Depending on where in Bhutan you’re staying, some places may not accept cards or electronic payments. So it’s always a good idea to bring some cash with you – just in case!


Bhutan is a landlocked country tucked away in South Asia that’s more than just quaint villages and rolling mountains – it’s also home to some truly offbeat attractions. Learning about Bhutan’s history, culture, and landscape is an essential part of any trip to the Kingdom, but there are otherworldly sights waiting for you too. In this guide we provide tips on how to find them and give you everything you need to make the most of your time in Bhutan – so whether you’re looking for adventure, relaxation, or simply stunning scenery, be sure to explore all of its hidden gems!

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