Mixing Old and New: Incorporating Art Deco Style into Modern Home Decor

“Who says you can’t have your cake and eat it too? The vibrant elegance of Art Deco design has been captivating homeowners for nearly a century, and now it’s back with a modern twist. Get ready to take your home decor game to the next level as we show you how to seamlessly blend old-world charm with contemporary aesthetics in this guide to incorporating Art Deco into modern interiors. From metallic finishes and bold geometric patterns, get ready to infuse glamour into every corner of your space.”

What is Art Deco?

Art Deco was a popular movement in design during the 1920s and 1930s. It is characterized by its sleek, geometric shapes, often with an attention to detail. Art Deco style can be found in modern home decor, from architecture to furniture to accessories. The best way to incorporate Art Deco style into your home is by looking for pieces that have been refurbished or re-created using classic motifs and elements. For example, you might choose a bold marble coffee table with geometric details on the legs, or a retro chair with pom poms on the backrest.

Alternatively, you can choose traditional art deco items such as lamps or side tables and update them with vibrant colors or playful patterns. A brightly hued lamp might be paired with patterned wallpaper or curtains for a festive look, while a simple white side table can be spruced up with Statement cushions in fun plaid prints or stripy fabrics. There’s no limit to how creative you can be when incorporating art deco style into your home decor!

Why Do We Love Art Deco?

There are many reasons why we love art deco style.

First, it is a very classic style that looks great in any modern or traditional home.

Second, it mixes classic with modern elements, which gives your home a unique look.

Third, it is one of the most popular styles currently on the market and can be used in any room in your house.

Finally, art deco has a pretty futuristic look to it, which makes it perfect for decorating a home with future-forward ideas.

How to Incorporate Art Deco Style Into Your Home decor

Art Deco is a design movement that emphasized sleek lines, dramatic angles and bright colors. You can incorporate this style into your home decor by framing art prints or paintings in light wood frames, using glamorous fabrics in place of traditional linens or choosing flooring or furniture in a shiny metal finish. Use white and jewel-toned accents to brighten up naturally dark spaces and add a touch of glamour.


Art Deco is a popular style of design that has been enjoyed for many years, but can be incorporated into modern home decor in a number of ways. One way to do this is to use objects or pieces of furniture that feature Art Deco elements, like curves and angles, combined with more traditional pieces of furniture.

Additionally, there are a number of trendier accessories and decorations that can be used to give your home an Art Deco vibe. Finally, some simple adjustments to the colors and layout of your home can give it the look of a renovated 1920s estate. No matter what method you choose, adding a touch of Art Deco style to your home will help make it feel modern and stylish.


Incorporating art deco style into your modern home decor can be a fun and easy way to add some character and pizzazz to your space. By mixing elements of this popular 1920s-1940s design style with more contemporary touches, you can create a look that is both trendy and timeless. Whether you are looking for something simple to update your décor or want to take the plunge and overhaul your whole house, incorporating art deco style into your decor will give you the perfect hit of glamour. If you’re curious how we achieved our look, be sure to check out our gallery below!

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